



Mercantilism: An Economic Theory of the Past

Mercantilism, an economic theory that dominated European trade from the 16th to the 18th century, was based on the belief that a nation's wealth and power could be maximized by exporting more goods than it imported. This policy was thought to increase a nation's gold and silver reserves, which were seen as the primary measure of a country's wealth.

One of the key aspects of mercantilism was the establishment of colonies to provide raw materials and markets for finished goods. Colonies were seen as a way to secure a steady supply of resources and to create a captive market for a nation's exports. This policy led to the exploitation of colonies and the development of a global trading system that was heavily weighted in favor of the colonial powers.

Another important aspect of mercantilism was the imposition of tariffs and other trade barriers to protect domestic industries and to ensure that a nation's exports were favored over imports. This protectionist policy was intended to promote industrial development and to create a self