



Indwelling: The Art of Living in the Present

"Indwelling" is a term that describes the state of living fully in the present moment, of being deeply inhabited by the here and now. It is an art that requires practice, patience, and an openness to the beauty and mystery of life.

The first step in the practice of indwelling is to become aware of the present moment. This means letting go of the past, with all its regrets and "what ifs," and not waiting eagerly for the future, with its promises and fears. Instead, we focus our attention on the now, on the reality of this moment, exactly as it is.

Once we have become aware of the present moment, the next step is to enter into it fully, to inhabit it with our bodies, minds, and spirits. This means engaging with our surroundings, noticing the details of our environment, and feeling the sensations of our bodies. It also means paying attention to our thoughts and emotions, without judgment, and allowing them to pass through us like clouds across the sky.

Living in the present moment is not always easy. Our minds have a tendency to wander, to get caught up in the past or future, or to get lost in our own internal dialogue. But with practice, we can learn to bring our attention back to the now, to return to the present moment again and again.

The benefits of living in the present moment are many. It can help us to feel more connected to ourselves and to the world around us, to experience life with a sense of wonder and gratitude, and to find joy in the simple things. It can also help us to reduce stress and anxiety, and to live with a greater sense of ease and contentment.

In conclusion, indwelling is an art that requires us to be fully present in the here and now. It is a practice that can enrich our lives and help us to live more fully and authentically. So let us practice the art of indwelling, and let us welcome each new moment with an open heart and an eager spirit.