





The old man sat alone in the corner of the room, his eyes fixed on the etching in front of him. The artwork was a masterpiece, meticulously crafted to reveal the emotions of the characters. Every line and curve told a story, etched deep into the paper,永久刻蚀。

The artist, a young and promising talent, had captured the essence of love in this piece. The figures depicted were in the midst of a passionate embrace, their faces etched with happiness and contentment. The old man, as he gazed at the etching, was transported back to a time when he too had known such love.


The memories came flooding back as he studied the details of the artwork. He remembered the feel of her soft hands in his, the sound of her laughter, and the warmth of her embrace. These memories were etched in his mind, as permanent as the lines on the paper.

As he continued to gaze at the etching, the old man realized that the artist had achieved what many aspired to but few achieved. He had captured the true essence of love, not just in words or pictures, but in the very fabric of the artwork. The characters were not just figures on a page, they were representations of the human experience, etched in such a way that they would forever be remembered.


The old man was reminded of his own life, and the loves he had known. He had been etched by their presence, shaped by their love, and forever changed by their departure. Each relationship, each love, had left its mark on him, just as the characters in the etching had left their mark on the paper.

The old man closed his eyes, and in his mind, he saw the faces of those he had loved. He saw their smiles, their laughter, and their tears. He saw the good times and the bad, the ups and the downs. He saw the love that had etched itself into his heart, and he realized that, like the characters in the etching, he too would be remembered.

As he sat there, alone in the corner of the room, the old man knew that he had been a part of something special. He had known love, and he had been etched by it. And as long as the etching remained, so too would his memories, etched in the hearts of those who had known him.