



Famennian: The Last Glacial Maximum


The Famennian Stage, which occurred during the late Devonian period, is known as the last glacial maximum. This period, approximately 360 to 375 million years ago, was marked by significant global cooling and the expansion of ice sheets and glaciers. The Famennian Stage followed the Givetian Stage and preceded the Frasnian Stage, both of which were also characterized by cooler climates and the growth of ice sheets.

During the Famennian Stage, the Earth experienced a significant decrease in global temperatures, leading to the formation of extensive ice sheets and glaciers. These ice sheets covered large parts of North America, Europe, and Asia, resulting in a cooler and drier climate in these regions. The expansion of the ice sheets also led to the formation of terminal moraines, eskers, and other glacial landforms.


The Famennian Stage was a time of major evolutionary changes in the world's marine ecosystems. The late Devonian extinction event, which occurred towards the end of the Famennian Stage, resulted in the loss of many marine species. However, it also paved the way for the evolution of new groups of organisms, including many that would come to dominate the marine ecosystems in the following geological periods.

One of the most significant evolutionary developments during the Famennian Stage was the rise of the bony fishes. These fishes, which were able to extract more energy from their food and adapt to a wider range of environmental conditions, quickly outcompeted their cartilaginous ancestors. The Famennian Stage also saw the appearance of many modern fish groups, including ray
